Jocelyn Wildenstein Before & After Surgery Pictures

When it comes to plastic surgery, people often weigh the good and the bad. Some see it as an amazing art form that enhances their appearance, but let’s face it—the risks can be pretty intense. Hollywood glamorizes it, but take a look at Jocelyn Wildenstein, and you might think twice. Her transformation from a stunning woman to her current feline-inspired look, after spending over $4 million to please her ex-husband’s love for big cats, is quite the cautionary tale.

Chin Augmentation

Jocelyn Wildenstein, pre-surgery, was a striking beauty who could easily grace any runway. But in her quest to morph into a big cat, she opted for chin augmentation, a plastic surgery procedure to extend the chin. Unfortunately, this didn’t pan out as planned. Her chin was extended far too much, leaving her with a rather distorted look.

jocelyn wildenstein Before & After plastic surgery

Lip Injections

Before her surgeries, Jocelyn had lovely, thin lips that suited her face perfectly. However, her post-surgery photos reveal significantly larger lips. This drastic change was achieved through lip injections, another form of plastic surgery designed to plump up the lips. While many celebrities have successfully undergone similar procedures, Jocelyn’s results were a bit overdone.

See Also:


Watch Jocelyn Wildenstein Transformation Before & After Surgery

Cheek Implants

Jocelyn also went for cheek implants to achieve puffier cheeks, reminiscent of the big cats her ex adored. Pre-surgery pictures show her with smooth, well-proportioned cheeks that complemented her other facial features. But, driven by an insatiable desire to please her ex, she altered her appearance significantly. It’s a pity, considering her ex-husband eventually cheated on her despite all her efforts.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is the procedure by which fats are removed from one part of the body and grafted into another part where they are needed. Looking at her before plastic surgery reveals that her cheeks had lovely dimples. However, the same Jocelyn Wildenstein seems to have full cheeks without her lovely dimples. What this means is that she must have had fats from other parts of her body taken and inserted into her cheeks to improve on her feline look.

Word of Caution

While many plastic surgeries are relatively harmless and don’t break the bank, the procedures Jocelyn underwent were expensive and carried significant risks. Most people seeking such surgeries already look fabulous without them. For instance, Jocelyn’s pre-surgery photos show a happy, beautiful woman. It’s likely she now regrets her decision to go under the knife so extensively.

In the end, it’s essential to carefully consider the potential outcomes and risks of plastic surgery. Sometimes, the natural beauty you possess is more than enough.


  1. anil agarwal February 6, 2018
  2. February 6, 2018
  3. Kerry April 6, 2019

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